How to install zoom cat filter
How to install zoom cat filter

So, if you don't have an older Dell computer, you're out of luck. Unfortunately, trying out Ponton's exact filter yourself might not be possible because the BBC pointed out that Twitter user identified it as a Dell webcam filter from circa 2010, which is also confirmed in this 2010 blog post. I'm not a cat." Hilarity aside, people were captivated by the filter, which shows an adorable white kitten with big eyes that appear on the verge of tears. 9, the lawyer, identified as Ponton in a recording shared by judge Roy Ferguson, had to reassure the Zoom attendees, "I'm here live.

how to install zoom cat filter

In a video of the livestream shared on Texas' 394th District Court YouTube channel on Feb. Zoom users can masquerade as a kitten by taking. If you're ready to put a smile on your coworkers or friends' faces, but can't find the filter, you might be wondering: Why don't I have a cat face filter on Zoom? Well, you need a more than decade-old computer for it, but there is a fix. Although you cant get Pontons specific cat avatar via the Live Cam Avatar app, there are other ways that you can acquire a cat filter on Zoom. ICYMI, Rod Ponton accidentally turned himself into an adorable kitten while virtually presenting a case in Texas' 394th District Court - and the video captured a much-needed moment of lightness in this new year that has yet to prove it'll be better than 2020. A Texas lawyer is going viral after a recording of a hilarious, albeit relatable, Zoom filter mishap made its rounds on the internet.

How to install zoom cat filter